Course Guides

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Course Subjects
AIS 115: American Indians, Colonization, and Critical Thinking (Professor Aase) American Indian Studies
AIS 115: American Indians, Colonization, and Critical Thinking (Professor Dyer-Redner) American Indian Studies
AIS 265: American Indian Women Writers (Professor Aase) American Indian Studies
AIS 270: American Indian Digital Humanities (Professor Aase) American Indian Studies
AMD 121: Pre-20th Century Art History Art, Media, & Design
AMD 122: World Cinema Art, Media, & Design
AMD 304: Printmaking Art, Media, & Design
AMD 316: Art, Science, and Technology Art, Media, & Design
AMD 328: Video Art History and Theory Art, Media, & Design
AMD 333: Visual Cultures Art, Media, & Design
AMD 411: Data Visualization Art, Media, & Design
AMD 412: Advanced Digital Photography Fieldwork Art, Media, & Design
AMD 419 Research to Production (Hersko) Art, Media, & Design
AMD 419: Research to Production Art, Media, & Design
AMD 420: Contemporary Artists Art, Media, & Design
ANTH 280: Of Trowels and Trenches: Introduction to Archaeology (Schwartz) Anthropology
ANTH 301: Culture and Medicine: Healers and Healing Practices (Godde SP 2022) Anthropology
ANTH 340: Immigration and Health (Martinez FA 22) Anthropology
BA 604: Business Research Methods Business
BA 616: Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Business
BA 630: Marketing Management Business
BA 645: Operations and Supply Chain Management Operations Management
BA 649: Business Forecasting for Managers Business
BA 650: Strategic Management in the Global Environment Business, Global Business Management
BA 685: Master's Business Intelligence Project Business
BIOL 211: Introduction to Organismal and Population Biology Biology
BIOL 212: Evolution (Kai) Biology
BIOL 212: Evolution (Sustaita) Biology
BIOL 309: The Biology of Emerging Diseases Biology
BIOL 318: Plants and Society Biology
BIOL 338: Human Impact on the Environment Biology
BIOL 338: Human Impact on the Environment (Simokat) Biology
BIOL 353: Comparative Animal Physiology Biology
BIOL 354: Principles of Ecology Biology
BIOL 400: Vertebrate Biology Biology
BIOL 404: Developmental Physiology Biology
BIOL 486: Marine Communities (Taniguchi) Biology
BIOT 355L: Molecular Biotechnology Biotechnology
BRS 100: Explorations in Border Studies (Ardon SP 22) Border and Regional Studies
BUS 202: Business Law Business
BUS 203 Business Writing Business
BUS 300: Business Professional Development Business
BUS 302: Foundations of Business Environments (McDonald | Lerchbacker | Palumbo) Business
BUS 442 Strategic Management Lerchbacker Business
BUS 442: Business Strategy (Lyons) Business
BUS 442: Business Strategy (McLaughlin) Business
BUS 444 Strategic Management In Global Environments Business
BUS 495: Senior Experience Business
Business (Company)
CHEM 300: The Literature of Chemistry Chemistry
CHEM 316: Chocolate: A Chemical Investigation Chemistry
COMM 200: Argumentation and Dialogue Communication
COMM 330: Intercultural Communication Communication
COMM 390: Research Methods in Communications Communication
COMM 402: Approaches to Rhetorical Criticism Communication
COMM 454: Whiteness Communication
Company (Business)
DNCE 101: Introduction to Dance Dance
DNCE 200: Movement Awareness Dance
DNCE 200: Movement Awareness Dance
ECON 471: Econometrics Economics
Econ 481-15 Criminal Justice and the Labor Market Economics
Econ 481-16 Comparative Economics Systems (Woltz) Economics
ENTR 320: Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Business
ENTR 321 New Venture Creation Business
ENTR 420: New Venture Marketing Business
ENVS 210: Research Methods & Intro to GIS in Environmental Studies (Simokat) Environmental Studies
ETST 101: Introduction to Ethnic Studies (Professor Karen Villa) Ethnic Studies
ETST 101: Introduction to Ethnic Studies (Professor Matthew Irwin) Ethnic Studies
ETST 221: Race, Neighborhoods, and Cities (Professor Christiane Assefa) Ethnic Studies
ETST 221: Race, Neighborhoods, and Cities (Professor Matthew Irwin) Ethnic Studies
ETST 250: Intersectionality and Social Justice (Professor Karen Villa) Ethnic Studies
ETST 252: Activist Reflections (Professor Garzo Montalvo) Ethnic Studies
ETST 301: Ethnic Studies and Society (Professor Matthew Irwin) Ethnic Studies
FIN 331: Financial Markets and Institutions Finance
FIN 341 Multinational Financial Management Finance
FIN 612: International Finance Finance
FIN 626: Financial Decision Making Finance
First Year Business Learning Community (FYBLC) GEL Business
GBM 425: International Business Management Global Business Management, Business
GBM 427 Negotiations Global Business Management
GBM 428: Emerging Markets Course Guide Global Business Management
GBM 430: Import and Export Operations Global Business Management
GBM 484: Strategies for Emerging Markets Global Business Management
GBST 300: Perspectives in Globalization (Nash) Global Studies
GEL 101: Library Module GEL
GEO 102: Library Resources GEO
GEOG 307: Children and the Environment
GEOG 307: Children and the Environment Geography
GEOG 321
GEOG 321: Cities and Climate Justice Geography
GEW 101A: Finding Sources & Citations GEW
GEW 101B: The Research Process Literature and Writing
GEW 101B: Writing as a Rhetorical Act GEW
HD 300: Administration in Human Services Settings Human Development
HIST 102: World History 1877-Present History
HIST 130: U.S. History 1500-1877 History
HIST 131: U.S. History since 1877 History
HIST 301: Historical Methods and Writing History
HIST 333: British Empire in the Americas, 1497-1775 History
HIST 350: Chicana/o Experience in the Borderlands History
HIST 352: History of Mexico, Past and Present History
HIST 355: Women in Latin America History
HIST 356: Culture & Identity in Latin America History
HIST 359: A History of Brazil History
HIST 430: Seminar in United States History History
HIST 460: Seminar in World History History
HIST 500-600: Tools for History Graduate Students History
HIST 502: History and Applied Media Technology History
ID 370: Transfer Student Success Interdisciplinary
KINE 202: Introduction to Kinesiology Kinesiology
KINE 306: Exercise Fitness and Health Kinesiology
KINE 316: Stress Management Kinesiology
LBST 100/300: Introduction to Critical Education (Ardon) Liberal Studies
LING 101: Mysteries of Human Language - An Introduction to Linguistics (Waltz FA 22) Linguistics
LING 351: Language Acquisition (Bateman) Linguistics
LTWR 100: Introduction to Literature Literature and Writing
LTWR 300B: History & Practice of Literary Commentary II Literature and Writing
LTWR 307: Writing Workshop in Argument and Analysis (Prufrock) Literature and Writing
LTWR 503A: Renaissance to Romanticism Literature and Writing
Marketing (Business)
MDIA 303 Mass Media Technologies Mass Media
MDIA 303: Mass Media & Technology Media Studies
MGMT 415: Human Resource Management Management
MGMT 415: Intro to HR MGMT Business
MGMT 422: Training & Development (Campany) Management
MGMT 428: Compensation and Benefits (Towns) Management
MGMT 461: Management in Different Cultures Global Business Management, Management, Business
MGMT 482: International Human Resources Management Management
MGMT 622: Hospitality & Tourism Management (SP 17) Management
MGMT: 302 / 305 Organizational Behavior Management
MKTG 302: Foundations of Marketing Marketing
MKTG 305 Marketing (Dr. NC) Marketing
MKTG 433 Course Guide (Farris) Marketing
MKTG 433: Marketing Communication Marketing
MKTG 442: Market Research Marketing
MKTG 446: Sales Management Marketing
MKTG 448: Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing Marketing
MKTG 448: Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing (Muniz) Marketing
MKTG 454: Social Media Marketing (Feori-Payne) Marketing
MKTG 614: Global and Cross-Cultural Marketing Marketing
MSW 520: Social Welfare Policy Social Work
MSW 550: Research Methods in Social Work Social Work
Nonprofit Business Guide
OM 305: Operations Management Operations Management
OM 428: Supply Chain Management (Aboolian) Operations Management
OM 440: Pricing and Revenue Management Operations Management
PH 503: Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health Public Health
PSCI 100: U.S. Government and Politics (Nash) Political Science
PSCI 413A: Constitutional Law Civil Liberties - Evaluating News Sources (Beavers SP 22) Political Science
PSCI 415: U.S. State Politics (Nash) Political Science
Psychology and Child & Adolescent Development Child and Adolescent Development
Psychology and Child & Adolescent Development Psychology
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology (Roche) Sociology
SOC 105: Introduction to Justice Studies Sociology
SOC 316: Mental Health and Society (Professor Roche) Sociology
SOC 331: Social Welfare Policies and Services (Professor Roche) Sociology
SOC 361: Qualitative Methods in Sociology (Professor Roche) Sociology
SOC 416: Families in Poverty (Professor Mercado) Sociology
SOC 419: Inequalities and Health (Professor Roche) Sociology
SOC 480: Sociology Capstone (Rivera) Sociology
SOC 480: Sociology Senior Capstone (Professor Michelle Fraser) Sociology
SOC 480: Sociology Senior Capstone (Suarez FA 22) Sociology
SOC 495: Sociology Capstone (Professor Rivera) Sociology
SOC 495: Sociology Capstone (Sanchez FA 22) Sociology
SOC 495: Sociology Senior Capstone (Professor Angélica Ruiz) Sociology
SOC 495: Sociology Senior Capstone (Professor Mary Roche) Sociology
SOC 495: Sociology Senior Capstone (Suarez FA 22) Sociology
SSCI 101: Introduction to Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (Fogle) Social Sciences
SSCI 300: Transfer Student Success Social Sciences
SSCI 300: Transfer Student Success (Fogle) Social Sciences
SSCI 301: Introduction to the Social Sciences (Weigt FA 22) Social Sciences
U.S. Political Elections Political Science
U.S. Political Elections
WGSS 301: Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality in Contemporary Societies Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 345: Gender and Violence Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 424: Women and Health Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WGSS 490: Senior Seminar in Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies