MGMT 302 / 305 Getting Started & In-the-News
MGMT 415, MGMT 422 Getting Started
Current Topics, "In-the-News" and HR Industry Research
Use this guide for your assignments (T & D - Current Issues, or In-The-News Assignments).
See the Business News tab (left) for access to NYT, WSJ, and other metro papers.
Popular Magazines for Organizational Development In The News (MGMT 302 -Woodard)
May or may not have full text on the web: Premium subscriptions available via the library.
If these links don't work contact the library research help desk.
Newsweek Global Full text in the library
Time Magazine Full text in the library
US News and World Report
Bloomberg BusinessWeek
Fortune (accessible free from the web)
Practitioner and Professional Journals
Just below you will see a list of practitioner and academic journals in your field.
Use the 3 Ways to Locate a Journal Article. Still having trouble? Use the chat or email to contact a librarian.
Industry Research: MGMT 422 Use these links to get an overview of your industry. Use IBISWorld and First Research to learn more. The Industry section in this guide has additional resources. You are learning about the industry so you can create a company in that industry for your semester research project.
San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation
Sections across the top for Our Economy, Research Center etc.
Industry Research For those needing to study an Industry, use the tab on the left.
- IBISWorld for general overview
- First Research has great Getting Started Interview questions to understand management perspective in a particular industry. Real time Twitter feed on trending topics in the industry!
Business News
Professional analysis of case studies requires more than these recommended sources! In addition to these recommended business news sources, use the library OneSearch on the Home Page of the library to look across all library material. Expect to narrow and limit your results.
Top Premium Subscription Business News Sources
ABI Inform Complete (Proquest)
Excellent studies, reports, and trade and industry news.
ABI Tips!
- Change sort order to Newest Date first
- Narrow by Subject (more options)
Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
Good for trade news and the only place to find Harvard Business Review (HBR selected not all).
Excellent for international and major business news. (WSJ, NYT, Washington Post, San Diego Union-Tribune)
Factiva Tips!
- Change Date from 3 months to 2 years
- Choose the NEWS PAGES on the black bar to get the latest 2 weeks WSJ, NYT, LA Times, Washington Post and others
Business News Publications
Newsbank: America's News
Full text of major news sources including the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union-Tribune, and Press Enterprise
San Diego Union Tribune Link here and print edition, see 3rd floor of the library (behind the research help desk).
San Diego Business Journal Proquest ABI Inform and print edition, see 3rd floor of the library (behind the research help desk).
Press Enterprise Riverside County Newsbank
Bloomberg BusinessWeek Full text through Business Sources Premier
Bloomberg Tip! Search within this publication top right
The Economist (online) Full text link. [via Proquest ABI Inform] Free Economist gives only limited content
Financial Times (London) ABI Inform (Proquest) Last month not available.
Harvard Business Review Ebsco - Business Source Premier -- Full text of Harvard business review.
HBR Tips!
- Some full text not available electronically. See paper edition HF5001.H3 (4th floor periodicals)
- Case studies are not available in this subscription
Trade and Professional Associations -- Industry Trending News
Look to trade association pages on the free web. Many industry and news reports will identify them. Some information is available free, but most are only available to members. Get around this by searching the association name for news reports in the above databases. Examples of trade and professional associations are the National Restaurant Association; American Library Association.
Find associations in the industry reports recommended here, such as First Research. Search on the web using .org Find references to associations in news article
Org Behavior & Management Journals: Practitioner and Academic
HR Journals: Academic and Practioner
Use the Journal Search Feature to locate a database which provides access to a known journal.
Once you have identified the record in the library catalog click to view coverage. Some journals have coverage provided by multiple vendors. Read the range (coverage dates) provided and select a vendor. Do this by clicking on the Blue Hyperlink; this will take you to that vendors page. Each vendor is slightly different in look/feel but you can usually click to search within that title (using keywords) OR you can click on a specific volume and issue.
Practitioner Journals (Identified from T Shore list as of 10/21/20)
Academy of Management Executive (Library has coverage from 1993 until 2005)
Across the Board (Library has coverage from 1993 until 2006)
Business Horizons (Library has coverage from from 01/01/1995 to current, via ScienceDirect)
Harvard Business review (Library has coverage from 1922 to current)
HR Magazine (Library has coverage from 1991 to current)
HR Focus (Library has coverage from 1993 Vol.(70)7 until 2016 Vol.(93)3)
Management Review (Library has coverage from multiple vendors click for coverage)
Organization Dynamics (Library has multiple vendors, for current coverage use ScienceDirect)
Personnel Journal (library has coverage from 1994 until 1996)
Supervisory Management (Library coverage from 1993 until 1996)
Training (Library has coverage from multiple vendors, earliest is 1987 to current)
Training and Development [This is also known as Training and Development Magazine, and T + D]; view this title online via the Association for Talent Development website; TD Magazine )
Academic (Research) Journals (Identified from T Shore list as of 10/21/20)
Academy of Management Journal (Library has coverage from multiple vendors, earliest is 1963 to current via Business Source Premier)
Academy of Management Review (Library has coverage from multiple vendors, earliest is 1976 to current via Business Source Premier)
Administrative Science Quarterly (Library has coverage from multiple vendors, earliest is 1956 to current via Business Source Premier)
Human Resources Management (Library has multiple vendors, click to view coverage options)
Human Resources Management Review (Library has coverage from 1994 to current via ScienceDirect)
Human Resource Planning (Library coverage from 1983 until 2007)
Industrial & Labor Relations Review (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, 1947 to current via Business Source Premier)
Industrial Relations (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, click to view coverage)
Industrial Journal of Human Resources (not located in library)
Journal of Applied Psychology (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, PsycArticles offers coverage from 1917 to current)
Journal of Collective Negotiation in the Public Sector (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, library coverage ends in 2005)
Journal of Labor Research (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, click to view coverage)
California Management Review (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, 1957 to current via Business Source Premier)
Employee Relations Law Journal (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, 2002 to current via Business Source Premier)
Journal of Management (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, Available from 1999 to current via Sage)
Journal of Organizational Behavior (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, click to view coverage)
Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology [Note check with Professor as the closest title held by the library is Journal of occupational and organizational psychology; click the title identified by librarian for review and coverage)
Journal of Vocational Behavior (library coverage from 1971 to current)
Labor Law Journal (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, 1949 to current via Business Source Premier)
Labor Studies Journal (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, 1976 to current via Business Source Premier)
Organizational Behavior and Human Decisions Processes (library coverage from 1985 to current)
Public Personnel Management (Library coverage provided by multiple vendors, 1973 to current via Business Source Premier)
Human Resources Management Resources
HR in the News
SHRM Society for Human Resource Management
International HR resources
ATD Association of Talent Development
Knowledge@Wharton Human Resources. Reports of research by faculty at University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business
McKinsey & Co.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Premium News Sources at CSUSM
Factiva: Worldwide business news and reports. Access current and past issues of New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and thousands of others.
San Diego Union Tribune Access via campus Newsbank subscription
San Diego Business Journal Access via campus subscription to Proquest
HR Research
Library Databases with Management, Org Behavior and Human Resources Magazines and Journals.
Search these recommended databases by your topic and narrow to approved journal titles.
All Business Databases
ABI Inform
Business Source Premier (BSP) Most of your tiltes are available through BSP --good place to start
Emerald Full Text (UK publisher with international content)
Science Direct (all scholarly articles)
SpringerLink (all scholarly articles)
Wiley Online (all scholarly articles)
HR Books, Videos, & More
HR Books, Video & More
Human Resources Book Search
Select subject headings for catalog searches: Human Resources & Personnel Management | Personnel management |Organizational change | Conflict management | Employee attitude surveys | Employee selection --Case studies | Work environment - Social aspects
Human Resources Streaming Media

Business & Management Collection in Films on Demand
Videos are a click away anytime, anywhere. For off campus access make sure to log-in with your User Name & Password.
Among the subjects covered in Films on Demand: Business Education | Business Technology | Economics | Ethics & Business Law | Finance, Accounting & Taxation | Management | Marketing
Selected Videos on HR Topics
HR Strategy & Management (17:03 min video)

Kanopy: Has videos on the subject of Business
Citing your Work
Guide to Using APA Business Citations
APA Citation Style Guide (General)
Has links to guides and citation generators.
Sources, Citations and Style. Watch this APA Citation Style Video (OWL Purdue. 2015) BUS 495
Reference the APA handout created by the writing center. This is a single-page handout. It is intended to be printed two-sided and tri-folded.
- Need help, visit the writing center!
Common Business Citation Styles in APA Format
How to Cite in Text:
Cite as (last name or company name, year, page number). Example: (Longboard Grotto, 2009, p.23)
She stated, "Students often had difficulty using APA style" (Jones, 1998, p. 199), but she did not offer an explanation as to why.
According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time" (p. 199).
Consult the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for detailed explanations and additional examples. Copies are available at the Cal State San Marcos Research Help Desk (BF76.7.P83 2009) or on Reserve.
Recommended Citation Generators:
A note of caution about Citation Generators.... NOT ALL ARE ACCURATE! Like everything, you need to know the basics and use them with caution and expect to make corrections. EbscoHost databases and Proquest have built in citation generators for each article. Use Cite This, or email citation. Known bug: Proquest authors and dates may need reformatting.
KnightCite Hekman Library Calvin College
DocsCite Arizona State University to help cite government documents
Owl at Purdue APA Style. Highly recommended. Also note the sample manuscript with notations for APA instructions on formatting.
DOI Digital Object Identifiers
Cite the article as you would any print article and add the electronic access information at the end.
DOI: To access electronic articles preference is given to supplying an Digital Object Identifier, a unique number for an article. Inclusion of the DOI, if available, facilitates retrieval
Example: doi:10.1108/03090560710821161
* If no DOI end with the home page, do not paste the whole URL of the database name.
Articles, News or Trade:
News article with DOI:
Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41, 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161
News article, no DOI, in Factiva
Kenneth, I. A. (2000). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Retrieved from Factiva.
CQ FD Disclosure (2017). Event Brief of Q3 2017 McCormick & Company Inc Earnings Call - Final. Retrieved from Factiva.
Newspaper: San Diego Union Tribune
Econometer: $15 an hour for fast food jobs? Should the minimum wage be nearly doubled to $15 per hour for fast-food workers? (2013, September 8). U-T San Diego (CA) (First Edition ed.), C-2. Retrieved September 13, 2013, from NewsBank on-line database (Access World News)
Articles, Scholarly:
Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. doi: 10.1037/1061-4087.45.2.1)
Chapter in a book:
O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: A metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107-123). New York, NY: Springer.
Whole book:
McDonald, M. & Keegan, W. J. (1997). Marketing plans that work. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.
E-book, no DOI:
Stark, J. (2010). Building iPhone apps with html, css, and javascript [1st ed]. Retrieved from
Chapter or Section of a web document:
Cite the most specific webpage that you reference in your paper and include a link to the specific page.
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. In Title of book or larger web document (chapter or section number).
Spain: Culture (2010). In GlobalEdge. Retrieved January 18, 2010 from
Company Information TEMPLATE
Author (date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number, page number. Retrieved from http://nnnnnnn.htm
Title of company (date). Publisher, database source. Retrieved from source name.
Examples: Entries in library databases:
Hoover’s Inc. (2010, February 16). Harley Davidson, Incorporated: In-depth record. Retrieved from ABI Inform.
Company website:
Qualcomm (2010). FY 2009 4th Quarter Earnings Release. Retrieved from the Qualcomm, Inc. website
Industry Reports
Cohen, A. (2017). Department stores in the U.S report 45211. IBISWorld Industry. Retrieved from IBISWorld database
First Research (2017). Clothing Stores. Retrieved from Mergent First Research.
Industry Statistics:
U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). Musical instrument and supplies stores NAICS: 45114. Washington DC: Author.
Retrieved August 22, 2016 from the World Wide Web:
Data Set (user created): For customized datasets derived from an electronic database.
REFERENCEUSA or data generated from an analytics site or GIS
InfoGroup. (2010). Corporate Lodging San Diego Metro Area. Available from ReferenceUSA database.
ESRI. San Diego County Market Potential. 2016. August 25, 2017.
SimplyAnalytics user created data set / map:
SimplyAnalytics (2017). EASI/MRI Consumer Expenditure Data 2016. Retrieved February 17th, 2017, from SimplyAnalytics database.
Encyclopedia, Reference Source or Chapter in a book
See Reference list: other print sources. In Purdue Owl.
Encyclopedia, No author:
Physical Fitness Products. (2007). In Encyclopedia of American industries. (pp. 671-675). Millerton, NY: Grey House Publications.
Reference work, Author:
Basham, M. (2009). Restaurants. In Standard & Poor's industry surveys. (Vol. 1). New York: Standard &Poor's.
Reference work: Multiple Authors: (authors in order as they appear)
Edell, J. A., & Burke, M. C. (1998). Feelings towards ads. In Bearden, W. O. & Netemeyer, R. G. In Handbook of marketing scales (2nd ed., pp. 283-285). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
Legal Citation Formats
See Westlaw or use the Uniform System of Case Citation (Blue Book).
To get the data for this YouTube clip you will need to extract speaker or author name, introductory slide, and other info.
CSUSM (2015). Forward Together: The Campaign for California State University San Marcos.
Personal Communication (interview, email, phone call)
APA rules states that you cite your interviews or emails in the text only since they are not retrievable. Include person's name, type of communication, date. Check with your professor who may also require you to list them in the Works Cited list.
In Text Example:
... (J. Welch, personal communication, January 21, 2010)
.... Patricia Burns, e-mail message to author, December 15, 2008.
REV 10/13 by Carly Den Hartog CSUSM CoBA
10/17 afiegen
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