OM 428: Supply Chain Management (Aboolian)

Operations Management

Operations Management

Business Operations Management

Know the Industry first.  First Research (Mergent)  includes critical issues section, forecast and starter questions.  Follow up on recommended industry web sites, professional organizations and trade news.

Browse within these subjects for case studies or handbooks
Benchmarking Management
logistics Business logistics
Contracting Out (outsourcing)
Industrial management -- Environmental aspects
Production management -- Environmenal aspects
Inventory Control
Science Management Science
Manufacturing industries -- Environmenal aspects
Materials Management
New Products
Research Operations Research
Production management
Project Management
Production scheduling
Control Quality Control
Decision Statistical Decision
Systems Engineering

Recommended Readings for introductions to the topic

Try our eBook collections:

1. Search BOOKS and MORE    Supply Chain Analysis

 2. Business Expert Press e-Books   For example   ERP fundamentals

3. Safari Books Collection (type keywords: Supply Chain, etc.)

Handbook of Metrics for Research in Operations Management: Multi-item Measurement Scales and Objective Items (2008). by Aleda V.Roth, Roger G. Schroeder, Xiaowen Huang, M. Murat Kristal. Sage Pub.  Recommended for OM 305 (advanced)
HD30.215 .H356 2008 REFERENCE
The authors have collected multi-item measurement scales and single-item objective measures for all areas of operations management into one handbook for quick reference.

Handbook of Quantitative Supply Chain Analysis: Modeling in the E-Business Era (2004). David Simchi-Levi, S. David Wu, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen. Kluwer.
HD38.5 .H355 2004.

Operations Research and Management Science Handbook (2008) ed. A. Ravi Ravindran. CRC Press
T57.6 O0446 2008 Recommended for OM 305 and some advanced.

Detailed chapters on every aspect of OM, signed chapters include introduction to the topic, multiple models for specific business problem. Chapters on linear nonlinear and integer programming, network optimization, decision making and decision analysis, dynamic programming, stochastic processes, queueing theory, inventory control, complexity and large-scale networks, simulation, metaheuristics, robust optimization. Chapters on selected industries: Airlines, finance, production systems, supply chain management, water resources.

Operations Research Calculations Handbook (2001). Dennis Blumenfeld. CRC Press. T57.6 B57 2001
Recommended for OM 305

Research Databases

All Business Databases

Informs Online  Institute for Operations Research and Management Science.  Scholarly journals and conference proceedings and professional association news and events.

ABI Inform Global (Proquest)
Good for case studies: View a sample search
Includes:Industrial Distribution, Management science (before 1999 only, latest years at HD28 .I453),Modern Materials Handling, Production & Inventory Management Journal

ACM Digital Library (Association of Computing Machinery)
Journal articles and conference proceedings.  Good results on operations management in association with computing and technologies.

Ebsco GreenFILE  (interdisciplinary reports, books and scholarly articles.
Ebsco: This collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on the environmental effects of individuals, corporations and local/national governments, and what can be done at each level to minimize these effects.

Factiva Search Industry / E-commerce; Subject / Internet-Online Services. Includes:Electronic Commerce News

Science Direct Includes:
Journal of purchasing and supply management
Journal of operations management
Omega: international journal of management science

SIAM reviewSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics review

Wiley InterScience Includes:
Journal of multi-criteria decision analysis,
Journal of organizational excellence,
Journal of product innovation management
Knowledge and process management
Decision Sciences (Decision Sciences Institute)
Journal of Supply Chain Management

Journals / Periodicals

  • Decision Sciences Latest years at HD30.23 D4

  • Interfaces ABI Inform Global and HD28. I45

  • Management science ABI Inform Global (latest year HD28 .I453)

  • Omega: international journal of management science HD28 .O5

  • Journal of Commerce (ABI Inform; Business Source Premier)

Web sites

ASQ (American Society for Quality) A professional organization dedicated to quality improvement in all sectors of the economy including education and government. Resources on process improvement, total quality management, and benchmarking. Quality Topics A great place to start a search for quality topics such as benchmarking, Six Sigma, Statistical Quality Control, and quality topics in various industries--health, service, education, food etc. These are bibliographies with recommendations for articles, books and websites and other databases.

INFORMS Organization   Operations Research and Analytics /
Best practices and basics of Operations Research, includes selected articles and case studies from Informs Journal.



Industry Analysis

Industry Analysis

Industry Profiles (Industry overview reports)

Industry Research

Industry Reports  prepared by expert analysts in this premium content.  Offer a broad description and outlook at the macro environment of an industry, key trends, broad customer profiles and market or investment analysis of the industry.  Many databases offer the ability to search by NAICS code. 

IBISWorld  US Industry reports. Search by keyword OR NAIC code (uses 5 digits of 6 digit codes).     

Industry Research in over 700 reports by NAIC for the US. industry analysis, external, internal and economic, supply chain.  Some Global and International Reports

First Research  (Mergent Intellect)

Industry Research and Interview starter questions for exec levels.  Social Media feed updates on business and industry.

Mergent Online  Go to  the Report Search Tab to get to the industry reports. 
Use for major industries only,  global coverage. Especially useful for industries represented by publicly traded companies. Search by company or broad industry name.

ABI Inform / Complete  (Global )
Use the BROWSE   tab for publications on industry, commodities, and country reports.

  • BMI Country Industry Reports
  • BMI Global Oil Market Reports
  • BMI Industry Insight Reports
  • BMI Risk Reports

Business Source Premier (EbscoHost database) 

Marketline reports with global coverage. Each report contains statistics on industry market value, forecast, and market segmentation, competition and leading companies.  Look for Porter's Five Forces analysis.  Each report is 24 pages long, caution to look at dates may be older.



S&P Capital IQ  Industry Surveys HG4915 .S652  3rd Floor Reference [Print ONLY]

Excellent for in depth analysis industries representing large US corporations. Segments on Industry Trends, How an Industry Operates, How to Analyse a Company.  Its in print but it is the single best industry introduction source in this library.  Excellent source for more sources of information such as trade magazines, professional associations and regulators.

Industry Specific:

Hospitality --- BRASS Business Librarian recommendations for researching the hospitality industry. 

Fashion:  On the Front Lines when Currencies Shift

Local Industry Analysis 

San Diego Economic Development Industry Reports  (Website)
"San Diego Regional Economic Development Corporation (EDC) regularly releases and sponsors research that provides a baseline of industry data to encourage and support economic investment. EDC also conducts studies on key industries and identify actions needed to spur growth in the region." (Source: San Diego Regional EDC).

San Diego Association of Governments [SANDAG] (Website)
          SANDAG serves as the forum for regional decision-making for the San Diego
          region. Resources such as Demographics and other data and publications will
          be of interest. 


Market Research Reports

Passport Euromonitor Global Industry Reports  Detailed reporting.  GBM 425  and SE MARKETING PROJECTS
Euromonitor Industry reports, in depth analysis on trends in consumer products and services industries, include market analyst reports and statistical data.  Country and consumer reseacher as well as economic, business and transport.

Financial Industry Analysis For those looking for more financial analysis. 

Bizminer   Detailed industry financial and industry market analysis.   9000 industries by sales.  Find reports at the national, state, county, metro and zip code.  Update 6/18:  Now shows Z-scores for credit strength and financial viability.

Industry Snapshots by NAIC from the census
Statistical profiles of US Industries by NAIC. 

Statistical Abstract of the United States (Proquest)
Excellent compilation of essential statistics to support other reports.  The source is often government and other agencies. 

Books on Industry in the library.

Hundreds of different industries are represented in the library catalog.
You will find whole books on the food industry, or service industries, craft beer, restaurants, etc.

Manufacturing Industries
Retail trade
Service Industries
Industry Profile United States (e-reports)



Business News

Business News

Business News

  • Change sort order to Newest Date first
  • Narrow by Subject (more options)

Business Source Premier (EBSCO)
Good for trade news and the only place to find Harvard Business Review (HBR selected not all).

Excellent for international and major business news.  (WSJ, NYT, Washington Post, San Diego Union-Tribune)

Factiva Tips!  

  • Change Date from 3 months to 2 years
  • Choose the NEWS PAGES on the black bar to get the latest 2 weeks WSJ, NYT, LA Times, Washington Post and others

Business News Publications

Newsbank:  America's News
Full text of major news sources including the Los Angeles Times and the San Diego Union-Tribune, and Press Enterprise


San Diego Union Tribune    Link here and print edition, see 3rd floor of the library (behind the research help desk).
San Diego Business Journal   Proquest ABI Inform and print edition, see 3rd floor of the library (behind the research help desk).
Press Enterprise Riverside County Newsbank


Bloomberg BusinessWeek   Full text through Business Sources Premier

Bloomberg Tip!  Search within this publication    top right


The Economist  (online) Full text link.  [via Proquest ABI Inform]  Free Economist gives only limited content

Financial Times (London) ABI Inform (Proquest)  Last month not available. 

Harvard Business Review  Ebsco - Business Source Premier -- Full text of Harvard business review.

HBR Tips!

  • Some full text not available electronically.  See paper edition  HF5001.H3 (4th floor periodicals)
  • Case studies are not available in this subscription

Trade and  Professional Associations  -- Industry Trending News

Look to trade association pages on the free web.  Many industry and news reports will identify them.  Some information is available free, but most are only available to members.  Get around this by searching the association name for news reports in the above databases.  Examples of trade and professional associations are the National Restaurant Association; American Library Association.

Find associations in the industry reports recommended here, such as First Research.  Search on the web using .org   Find references to associations in news article





Public Company

Public Company

Public Company

Public Company Profiles, Annual Reports and Analysis

Business Source Premier  (CSUSM Premium) Search the Company Profiles.  Marketline reports include SWOTS!


Factiva  (CSUSM Premium) Good for public corporations.
***** ACCESS precaution    Please contact a  business librarian if you are having trouble accessing FACTIVA from off campus.  

Search Companies/Markets Tab along the top. 

Company snapshot, News, Web News, Multimedia, Key Developments, Peer Comparison, Financial Results--to see financial results by segment and reports. Look at the Performance/Segment Information section.

Earnings Calls:   Limit company search to Sources:  CQ FD Disclosure.


Earnings Calls:  ABI Inform.   Choose publications:  Disclosure Wire    Limit to Company Name.  Be sure to sort to most recent date.


Mergent Online (CSUSM Premium) Good for public corporations in depth financials.   Also has limited private co. info.
Detailed company profiles, history and in depth financial analysis, including SEC filings  
Commerical investing and new source, publicly available.  Freely available insight snippets

Hoovers Company Profiles (via ProQuest) (CSUSM Premium) 
Company snapshot, employee size, sales, basic financials, stock, NAIC and SEC filings including news (newspapers, legal,and patent)


ReferenceUSA  (CSUSM Premium)  Excellent for private companies also public company hierarchies.  Includes local branches of foreign companies operating in the United States. Also good for quick summary statistics by industry especially local competitors.

REFUSA:  Step By Step Guide to RefUSA Company & Competitor search


Market and Consumer analysis of Companies

Passport Euromonitor  (CSUSM Premium) Company profiles and market and brand share around the world

Financial Information & Annual Reports

How to read an annual report  (Short outline from IBM) (available on the free web)
Annual reports for U.S. public companies. EDGAR search (available on the free web)
Access to corporate electronic filings submitted by U.S. public companies directly to the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission.


Competition and Industry

Company analyst reports include strengths, weaknesses of the company and opportunities and threats. 

IBISWorld Industry Research  (CSUSM Premium)

Industry Research in over 700 reports by NAIC. In-depth Industry analysis, external, internal and economic, supply chain management. Contains some international reports for UK, Australia, China, and Global.

First Research (Mergent Intellect) (CSUSM Premium)
Industry research with limited competitor.  Excellent Interview prep questions. 

ReferenceUSA (US Only)

See the section for competitors.  This represents a geographic look at businesses close to your location by NAIC code. 








Business uses directories for industry analysis, competitor analysis, marketing, supplier, customers.
Company directories provide individual and competitor details for:

  • Name
  • Address and other contacts
  • Key personnel
  • Revenue and Sales
  • Employee size
  • NAIC / SIC numbers

Databases by Subject -- Business (this link opens in a separate window so you can acces each of these recommended databases). 

Searching databases for private companies, non-profits, schools and other other organizations may require multiple trys in different sources. 

ReferenceUSA  US private and public businesses,  some nonprofits includes sales and employee numbers.  Executive contact info.

How to Find Franchises in ReferenceUSA     GBM 425

For your Final GBM 425 Falla 2019 assignment find a franchise in ReferenceUSA use these filters to limit to select according to your assignment instructions 

1. Advanced Search -- Keyword:  Franchise  
2. Headquarters --- Pick several states
3. Sales --- Over 1 Billion  or figure adequate to expand oversees

RefUSA Learning Center  ** Quick Training material, videos, and guides**  How to search for businesses, competitors, suppliers, jobs and internships, general consumer research. 

Step By Step Guide to RefUSA [Does not work waiting for software update.] Company & Competitor search  *** Custom Guide to get to competitors. ***

How to guides for all things ReferenceUSA

Addition options for company searches

2. Manta (Free web)

Factiva   Public company profiles.
Choose the Companies tab across the top first to find Company profiles, competitors, and latest news.

CQ FD Disclosure Conference Calls:  C-Level transcripts to analysts for Quarterly and Annual reports. 
To access:   Search name of company > Narrow on Left nav bar to Source:  Disclosure Reports


Hoovers In Depth Company Profiles (Proquest)
Public and some larger companies,  Short competitor list and executives.

Business Source Premier   Search for Company SWOT analysis, large companies only.  

Megent Online BUS 444

Excellent for public corporations worldwide, also limited info on private companies in US.  Annual report in-depth financials, detailed history and abiltiy to make custom reports and analyse competitors.  Financial analysis from annual report data and  research firms 

Company > Reports > Mergent Reports
Company > Competitors > Add all > Company Comparison Report 

Company Detais > Highlights (Health Check) 
Company Detais > Business segments (not required by the SEC but some reports available)
Company > Report Builder > Comparison Reports = against industry, or against Top 10, etc. 

California Business Entitites  Search for existing companies or file for new company name

Non-profit and charitable resource page
Recommended:  Charity Navigator, ERI Nonprofit Foundation Grant info. Foundation Center, Grant Search, GuideStar, IRS Master Tax File.

News articles on the web and library subscriptions.  Use .gov .org 


INDUSTRY DATA  Best place to start your industry analysis is by reviewing the BUS 302 Industry Reports how to apply Porter's, SWOTT, or Griffin.
The U.S. Census and use NAIC Industry Code for latest Industry Statistics.
Census --> Business and Industry --> Data by Geography


APA Citation

APA Citation

Guide to Using APA Business Citations

APA Citation Style Guide (General)


    Has links to guides and citation generators.

Sources, Citations and Style. Watch this APA Citation Style Video (OWL Purdue. 2015) BUS 495 


Reference the APA handout created by the writing center.  This is a single-page handout. It is intended to be printed two-sided and tri-folded.



Common Business Citation Styles in APA Format

How to Cite in Text:

Cite as (last name or company name, year, page number). Example: (Longboard Grotto, 2009, p.23)



She stated, "Students often had difficulty using APA style" (Jones, 1998, p. 199), but she did not offer an explanation as to why.

According to Jones (1998), "Students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time" (p. 199).

Consult the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) for detailed explanations and additional examples. Copies are available at the Cal State San Marcos Research Help Desk (BF76.7.P83 2009) or on Reserve.


Recommended Citation Generators:

A note of caution about Citation Generators.... NOT ALL ARE ACCURATE! Like everything, you need to know the basics and use them with caution and expect to make corrections. EbscoHost databases and Proquest have built in citation generators for each article. Use Cite This, or email citation. Known bug: Proquest authors and dates may need reformatting.


KnightCite       Hekman Library Calvin College

DocsCite          Arizona State University to help cite government documents

Owl at Purdue APA Style.     Highly recommended. Also note the sample manuscript with notations for APA instructions on formatting.


DOI Digital Object Identifiers

Cite the article as you would any print article and add the electronic access information at the end.

DOI: To access electronic articles preference is given to supplying an Digital Object Identifier, a unique number for an article. Inclusion of the DOI, if available, facilitates retrieval


Example: doi:10.1108/03090560710821161

* If no DOI end with the home page, do not paste the whole URL of the database name.


Articles, News or Trade:


News article with DOI: 

Brownlie, D. (2007). Toward effective poster presentations: An annotated bibliography. European Journal of Marketing, 41, 1245-1283. doi:10.1108/03090560710821161


News article, no DOI, in Factiva 

Kenneth, I. A. (2000). A Buddhist response to the nature of human rights. Retrieved from Factiva.

CQ FD Disclosure (2017). Event Brief of Q3 2017 McCormick & Company Inc Earnings Call - Final. Retrieved from Factiva. 

Newspaper: San Diego Union Tribune

Econometer: $15 an hour for fast food jobs? Should the minimum wage be nearly doubled to $15 per hour for fast-food workers? (2013, September 8). U-T San Diego (CA) (First Edition ed.), C-2. Retrieved September 13, 2013, from NewsBank on-line database (Access World News)


Articles, Scholarly:


Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36. doi: 10.1037/1061-4087.45.2.1)




Chapter in a book

O'Neil, J. M., & Egan, J. (1992). Men's and women's gender role journeys: A metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.), Gender issues across the life cycle (pp. 107-123). New York, NY: Springer.

Whole book: 

McDonald, M. & Keegan, W. J. (1997). Marketing plans that work. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann.

E-book, no DOI: 

Stark, J. (2010). Building iPhone apps with html, css, and javascript [1st ed]. Retrieved from


Chapter or Section of a web document:

Cite the most specific webpage that you reference in your paper and include a link to the specific page.

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. In Title of book or larger web document (chapter or section number).



Spain: Culture (2010). In GlobalEdge. Retrieved January 18, 2010 from


Company Information TEMPLATE 

Author (date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number, page number. Retrieved from http://nnnnnnn.htm 

Title of company (date). Publisher, database source. Retrieved from source name.


Examples: Entries in library databases:

Hoover’s Inc. (2010, February 16). Harley Davidson, Incorporated: In-depth record. Retrieved from ABI Inform.

Company website: 

Qualcomm (2010). FY 2009 4th Quarter Earnings Release. Retrieved from the Qualcomm, Inc. website


Industry Reports


Cohen, A. (2017). Department stores in the U.S report 45211. IBISWorld Industry. Retrieved from IBISWorld database

First Research (2017). Clothing Stores.  Retrieved from Mergent First Research. 

Industry Statistics:


U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). Musical instrument and supplies stores NAICS: 45114. Washington DC: Author.

Retrieved August 22, 2016 from the World Wide Web:


Data Set (user created): For customized datasets derived from an electronic database.

REFERENCEUSA or data generated from an analytics site or GIS


InfoGroup. (2010). Corporate Lodging San Diego Metro Area. Available from ReferenceUSA database.

ESRI. San Diego County Market Potential. 2016. August 25, 2017. 

SimplyAnalytics user created data set / map:

SimplyAnalytics (2017). EASI/MRI Consumer Expenditure Data 2016. Retrieved February 17th, 2017, from SimplyAnalytics database.

Encyclopedia, Reference Source or Chapter in a book

See Reference list: other print sources. In Purdue Owl.

Encyclopedia, No author: 

Physical Fitness Products. (2007). In Encyclopedia of American industries. (pp. 671-675). Millerton, NY: Grey House Publications.

Reference work, Author:

Basham, M. (2009). Restaurants. In Standard & Poor's industry surveys. (Vol. 1). New York: Standard &Poor's.

Reference work: Multiple Authors: (authors in order as they appear)

Edell, J. A., & Burke, M. C. (1998). Feelings towards ads. In Bearden, W. O. & Netemeyer, R. G. In Handbook of marketing scales (2nd ed., pp. 283-285). Thousand Oaks: Sage.


Legal Citation Formats

See Westlaw or use the Uniform System of Case Citation (Blue Book).


To get the data for this YouTube clip you will need to extract speaker or author name, introductory slide, and other info.


CSUSM (2015). Forward Together: The Campaign for California State University San Marcos.

Personal Communication  (interview, email, phone call)

APA rules states that you cite your interviews or emails in the text only since they are not retrievable. Include person's name, type of communication, date.    Check with your professor who may also require you to list them in the Works Cited list.

In Text Example:

...  (J. Welch, personal communication, January 21, 2010)

.... Patricia Burns, e-mail message to author, December 15, 2008.

REV 10/13 by Carly Den Hartog CSUSM CoBA

10/17 afiegen



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