Most Useful
Database | Full Text | Coverage | Scholarly |
PsycINFO i
Available via EbscoHost: A comprehensive international database of psychology, covering the academic, research, and practice literature in psychology from over 45 countries in more than 30 languages. |
Some full-text; plus links to full-text via Get-It | 1887 to current | All |
Sociological Abstracts i
Provides access to the latest international findings in theoretical and applied sociology, social science, and political science.
Links to full-text via Get-It | 1963 to current | All |
Social Services Abstracts i
Abstracts of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. |
Links to full-text via Get-It | 1980 to current | All |
A national database of education literature, including reports and journal articles. ALERT! Within ERIC search results: IF the "Link to ERIC full text" does not work, try the "Get It!" link. |
Links to full-text via Get-It | 1966 to current | Some |
CINAHL Complete i
CINAHL, the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, provides indexing for articles from 5,400 journals in the fields of nursing and allied health. This database provides full text access to more than 1,300 journals dating back to 1937. |
Links to full-text via Get-It | 1937 to current | Most |
Google Scholar CSUSM i
Link to citations and full-text from your CSUSM Library databases and beyond! |
Some full-text; plus links to full-text via Get-It | current to current | All |
Also Useful
Database | Full Text | Coverage | Scholarly |
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and a seventh database that provides information about groups in The Cochrane Collaboration. |
Full-text | current | Most |
Academic Search Premier
This scholarly collection offers information in nearly every area of academic study including: computer sciences, engineering, physics, chemistry, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, ethnic studies, and many more. |
Some full-text; plus links to full-text via Get-It | 1975 to current | Most |
Social Work Abstracts
This database provides access to social work and human services journals from 1965 to the present. Topics include addictions, therapy, child and family welfare, civil and legal rights, mental health, education, and human services. |
Links to full-text via Get-It | 1965 to current | Most |
Tricia Lantzy