ECON 444: International Economics Labor

Migration Patterns Research

Migration Patterns Research

Migration and Immigrant Communities Foreign Born
To see statistics on foreign born population of San Diego County.  This is a dedicated landing place on the census for News, Publications, Working Papers, and data.

About Migration and Place of Birth
Searching the American Community Survey

START    Use   Guided Search
TOPICS   People
---Origins:  Foreign Born
---  Other Characteristics:  Civilian Population, housing, age, disability, employment
Narrow to Counties and San Diego

ACS  American Community Surveys Estimates

Foreign Born by  region of birth

Europe, Africa, Northern America, Oceania, Asia, Latin America

* Selected Characteristics of Foreign-Born Populaton by Region (popular)

Place of birth by nativity and citizenshiop Status







Library OneSearch
Use the library home page to search on your community.  You will need to use the filter features on the right.


Migration Studies and Research

Migration Studies and Research

Migration Studies Research

Migration Studies recommended sources

Use the library OneSearch for this interdisciplinary topic
San Diego -- Immigration over 11,000 articles

terms: Migration Studies, Immigrants, Diasporas
 California Immigration, San Diego Immigration

Princeton University Library has an excellent guide on Migration Immigrants, Diasporas and Refugee Politics.

Search advanced google: or  



Primary Sources Immigration History

Beyond the resources CSUSM offers students through the catalog and databases, there are a growing number of digital collections for free access. Here is a sampling with a focus on immigration and migration history, law, domestic issues and more.

Need Help?

Judy Opdahl

Business & Economics Librarian
Office Telephone


Office Location

KEL 3424

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Schedule Virtual Research Consultations using Calendly Below. Email if hours or virtual meetings do not work for you.