Activity: Reading and Analyzing a Scholarly Article

In this section, you will learn about scholarly articles and will learn some tips that will make reading them a little bit easier. Keep in mind that scholarly articles are usually pretty difficult to understand, so don't get discouraged if you have a hard time understanding it!!


  1. Watch: What is a Scholarly Article?
  2. Read: Experiences of medical students who are first in family to attend university
  3. Review: Briefly review the Reading Scholarly Articles Tips below. We will revisit these in a later section, but it's helpful to get familiar with them now.

Reading Scholarly Articles Tips

Reading a peer-reviewed journal article is a multi-step process. By focusing your attention on specific sections, you will be able to decide whether or not the article will be useful to you.

Stage 1: Title + Abstract
The title and abstract for an article will give you the purpose of the article, a small amount of context, and a summary of the findings. After reading the title and abstract:

Does the title and abstract indicate that it will help you understand your topic in detail? (it implies it will support your thesis statement or provide answers to your research question).

If the answer is YES move to stage #2         If the answer is NO, locate a different article

Stage 2: Introduction + Conclusion
These sections will include the purpose of the article along with the main conclusion. After reading these sections:

What did the authors want to learn; what did they study? (thesis statement, research question, hypothesis)

Stage 3: Results + Discussion
The Results or Findings section include specific pieces of data, statistics or examples from the study. The Discussion or Analysis section will interpret these results and help you understand why these results are important. These are sections where you can take direct quotes to use in your own papers. After reading these sections:

What did the authors learn about their topic? (use quotation marks for direct quotes)

What are some specific examples you can use from the Results? (use quotation marks for direct quotes)

Stage 4: Methodology & Literature Review (optional)
The Literature Review summarized the research that was done prior to this article, and the Methodology section describes how the current experiment was conducted. These sections will be more useful as you move through your journey as student-scholars, and into your major and research methods courses.

Stage 5: Decision Making
After reading the article, you should be able to fit it with your topic, and know how to best use it in your paper. If it takes too much effort to “make it fit,” set the article aside, and move on to the next one. After reading the article:

How does this article answer your research question or support your thesis statement?
If it doesn’t, how can you use it otherwise?

** If you find an article that is not formatted (uses headings/sections) in this way, start with stages 1 and 2, then read from the end toward the beginning until you can answer the questions in stage 3 **

Next - Proceed to Part 2: Scholarly Superpowers