Share your research and scholarship by posting your journal articles in ScholarWorks, the CSUSM open access repository. Open access provides increased visibility of and access to the research produced at CSUSM. The immediate and widespread availability of material in ScholarWorks provides worldwide access to scholarship, particularly to those that don’t have paid subscriptions to academic journals. The increased visibility and accessibility often results in increased readership and more citations. It is online access to the scholarly output of the campus community anytime, anywhere there is a computer and an internet connection and helps to remove the obstacle of privilege to scholarship.
ScholarWorks Submission Form
Submit your scholarship to ScholarWorks!
Resolution in Support of Open Access
Read the Resolution in Support of Open Access for Faculty Publications. It was presented to the Senate in the Spring of 2014 and passed with a unanimous vote of support.
FAQ about Open Access
Learn more about open access.
Contact Carmen Mitchell, Scholarly Communication Librarian, if you have any questions about ScholarWorks or open access.