This policy applies to the three Library Instruction Labs (4400, 3400, and 2303)
Primary Use
- The instruction labs are to be used primarily for library and information literacy instruction sessions taught by an Teaching and Learning Department (T&L) librarian.
- The instruction labs are not available for semester-long scheduling of meetings or courses since this would block their availability for course-specific library instruction.
- For instruction before or after regular library hours, refer to the “Procedures for After-hours Use of Kellogg Instruction Labs.”
- Library materials taken to the room should be removed immediately after the session has ended. Materials may be left on a book truck in the reference area for students needing to refer to them after class.
Secondary Use
- Library instruction requests cannot be predicted as they are dependent on professors’ instructional needs throughout the semester. Therefore non-library sponsored events will not normally be scheduled in these rooms.
- Secondary use must be instructional in nature. Current secondary uses include: orientations, campus/library training, non-library meetings, professional instruction, community instruction, and outreach instruction.
- Requests for exceptional uses should be made to the Dean of the Library through the Coordinator of Teaching and Learning Department(T&L) or Library Assistant II. Requests for library instruction labs must occur after campus instructional lab scheduling has been contacted.
- The instruction labs will not be scheduled for any time the Library is not open.
- Exceptional events should not conflict with potential instructional use of the labs. Events will not be scheduled more than 7 days in advance during the peak- use times. Secondary use will generally be scheduled during intersession and off-peak times.
- Those requesting use of these labs must cover all Request for Use (RFU) related costs. In addition there may be a room charge to help cover the secondary costs associated with room usage.
- Library instruction takes priority over any secondary uses; therefore, secondary uses may be displaced for instruction.
- The use of the instruction labs must be reserved. T&L librarians can reserve the labs by indicating the date, timeframe, and following information on the Room Scheduling calendar located in the Outlook Calendar: course (e.g. GEL 101) or event name/last name of instructor-of-record/last name of librarian.
- Instruction in the library labs will be scheduled following these guidelines:
- Course-integrated library instruction directly related to the curriculum.
- Open student workshops taught by library faculty.
- Professional development workshops taught by library faculty.
- Professional meetings sponsored by the library.
- Library-wide meetings (e.g. Quarterly Staff Meetings)
- Library staff training sessions.
- If there is a scheduling conflict, individuals responsible for the classes should negotiate alternative dates and times. Otherwise priority is given to the earliest scheduled class.
- Anyone who wishes to schedule an event in a library instruction lab should contact the Information Literacy Coordinator [Yvonne Meulemans at (760)750-4375 or] or Library Services Specialist II [Cheryl Long at (760)750-8361 or]. Alternatively the Library Administration Office can be contacted at (760)750-4350.
- College Faculty who wish to lead their own sessions in the use of information resources may do so after consulting with their liaison librarian or, if that person is unavailable, with the Information Literacy Coordinator. T&L librarians may be present at these sessions to provide expertise in the use of the information sources and to assist with the equipment.
Other considerations
- Those authorized to use the labs will be responsible for the space and the use of the equipment. Lab users must log-off all computers when finished. Users agree to make no modifications to the equipment configuration and ensure that the lab is as functional upon completion of the event as it was when they gained access to it. Violation of this policy may result in the loss of lab use privileges.
- The labs are locked except when in use. Each T&L librarian and the Library Assistant II has a room key. The labs may be opened before the scheduled time for preparation purposes. For secondary scheduled use, access to room must be arranged prior to event and event sponsors must be present once lab is opened.
- Event sponsors are responsible for any damages to furniture or equipment during the event.
Food and Drink
- The library's food/beverage policy applies to the instruction labs. Beverages in approved containers must be placed away from computer terminals and keyboards.
- Food or drink for special events must have prior approval as outlined in the University Library’s “Guidelines for Caterers”
- Event sponsor must provide copies of the RFU and of the Catering agreement to the Library Administration Office prior to the event.
Last revised: March 2010
Library Services Desk:
Call: (760) 750-4348
We can be reached during the Library's operational hours. Please check the library website for hours.