


Economics - Recommended

Economics Resources, Hot New Picks and Quick Learn Webinars and videos  Fast growing source for much of the data at federal and state level.

Economic Indicator Webinars: from the Census view these excelent webinars. 
Introduction to Economic Indicators
Measuring the  Economy: a Brief Overview of the Census Bureau's Economic Indicators.  Additional webinars go into more detail of each indicator.

St. Louis Fed ECONLowDown.  Free online courses and teacher guides.  Multimedia tutorials, courses, podcasts and study guides.


Business Source Premier

Economist  (full text online) Browse recent issues on shelf HG11 E2 (Fourth Fl)

Capital Market,  Monetary Policy

World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance (World Data Bank)

CSUSM Economics Dept. Economic Sites and Data

Financial Soundness Indicators 
Developed by the IMF as indicators for financial soundness of countries.

Concise Encyclopedia of Economics 3rd. ed (2008) Henderson, D.R. editor.  
Excellent introduction to economic topics covering 287 areas of economics.  Use to get background material, or to get ideas for what topic to research.  Aarticles are one to three pages long, with short list of references and written by experts. Includes biographies of leading economist over time.o

RFE: Resources for Economists on the Internet

National Economic Indicators

National Economic Indicators

Economics - National Economic Indicators

National Economic Indicators

ADP National Employment Report.  Reports on non-farm payroll, closely watched by economist, business and investment community.  ADP is the largest processor of business payroll services.

Census Business Builder 

Regional Small Business builder and Regional Analyst Edition.
User  can enter location, industry, consumer, household, employment options to receive reports.

Census Economic Indicators

Monthly national reports:
1. Advance Report on Durable Goods Manufacturer's Shipments, Inventories, and Orders.

2. Manufacturers Shipments, Inventories, and Orders

3. Monthly Wholesale Trade

4. Advanced Monthly Sales and Retail and Food Services

5. Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales

Quarterly Reports

6. Quarterly Services Report

7. Quarterly Financial Report (Manu., Mining, Wholesale, Selected Service

8. Quarterly Financial Report - Retail Trade

Housing and Construction Reports (some also at state level)

9. New Residential Construction 

10. New Residential Sales

11. Construction Spending and Value of Construction Put in Place.

12. Housing Vacancies and Homeownership

International Trade (State level also)

13. U.S International Trade in Goods and Services


Economic Indicator Webinars:  from the Census view these excelent webinars. 
Introduction to Economic Indicators
Measuring the  Economy: a Brief Overview of the Census Bureau's Economic Indicators.  Additional webinars go into more detail of each indicator.


Federal Reserve.  Flow of Funds Accounts of the  United States
Quarterly releases, How money moves through economy.  Caution, VERY large files.


FRED: Federal Reserve Economic Database
Key economic indicators arranged in a way to quickly scan for U.S. interest rates, CPI (Consumer Price Index); PPI (Producer Price Index) GDP, and banking indicators

Financial Soundness Indicators 
Developed by the IMF as indicators for financial soundness of countries.


California Economy

California Economy

Economics - California Economy

California State and Local

San Diego Leading Economic Indicators / University of San  Diego
Monthly data with 2 month lag back to 2002;   Index, % change, Building permits, unemployment claimrs, San Diego stock price index, consumer confidence, help wanted advertising, national economy

California County Projections / Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy
Reference HC107 .C23 I52.

Analysis and projections of California population, construction, housing and real estate, income, taxable sales, and job growth. Suitable for those with little or basic knowledge of economic tables. Includes clear and short description and analysis of tables and definition of terms. Especially useful for domestic migration rate, rankings by county--top ten markets, top ten counties by income, etc.

CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act)

Locate statute, case law and other general references.

State Profile: State and County Projections to 2025 / Woods & Poole Economics
Reference HC 107 .C2 C36 2001 Earlier year 1990-- in book stacks.

Loose-leaf binder of statistical tables and accompanying CD-ROM with capability to create custom reports by census track (MSA, PMSA and DMA). Useful for advanced analysis of California economic indicators and 25 year projections. Includes national and regional tables. Detailed description of data collection methodology. Tables for employment, personal income and retail sales, and households. Especially useful for its county ranking tables.
Find city and zipcode census data, age, income, race, mobility, ancestry.  Augmented with advertising.


By State

By State

International Statistics and Reports

International Statistics and Reports

Economics - International statistics and reports

International Statistics and Reports

Bureau of Economic Analysis International Economic Accounts   (Learn more: Guide to ITAs in recent issue of Survey of Current Business)

Bureau of Labor Statistics

International Trade Statistics by SITC (Standard International Trade Classification

EconStats - Normalized global economic data.

Forecast Overview  Tables  2009--2014 (2010, December). World Economic Prospects,59,61-68.  Retrieved March 9, 2011, from ABI/INFORM Global. (Document ID: 2274275181).

Consumer Expenditures
Gross Fixed Investment
Consumer Prices
Export and Import of  Goods
Current Account Balances
Average Exchange Rates

International Trade Centre

Statistical Abstract of the United States International Statistics

The International Monetary Fund (IMF)


World Investment Report.  UNCTAD (United Nationsl Conference on Trade and Development)
Includes free pdf downloads and downloadable statistics tables on international trade activities and country fact sheets.
Sample of latest titles in the series:
Global Value Chains: Investments and Trade for Development.  2013 WIR report.

World Development Indicators & Global Development Finance (World Data Bank)

World Trade Organization


Country Economic Briefings and Profiles

Country Economic Briefings and Profiles

Economics - Country Economic Briefings and Profiles

Country Economic Briefings & Profiles

The Economist Country Briefings
From the Economist.  Each country profile includes  a forecast, Factsheet, Economic data, short history, political structure and forces and economic structure.  Currency converter and news articles and links to related country websites.

CIA World Factbook (Government website)

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (Website: Search by countries or topics.

OECD Economic Outlook Online (Library Databases: ProQuest OR Ebscohost) OR
OECD Economic Outlook (Physical Books in library ); 4th floor at HC10 .O18

WorldBank - (website  Information on 190 economies. Select a country or a topic. 

Penn World Table: (Note: there are different datasets)
Alan Heston, Robert Summers and Bettina Aten, Penn World Table Version 6.1, Center for International Comparisons at the University of Pennsylvania (CICUP), October 2002. 
Find GDP comparisons for countries worldwide time series 1950- present in a downloadable table.T

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