Exhibit Events

Artist Reception
Wednesday, May 4th, 2022
6pm – 8pm
Join the CSUSM University Library in welcoming Dr. Eric Tippeconnic as he discusses his work and his inspiration for creating the pieces on display in the 3rd floor exhibit area of the Library. This virtual and in-person event* aims to help amplify Native American voices and support dismantling stereotypes and inequities surrounding Indigenous communities. This exhibit is the artist’s mechanism to articulate a visual land acknowledgment that recognizes the original peoples of this land where we are privileged to live and work.
Please contact Dr. Toni Olivas, CSUSM's Engagement & Inclusion Librarian for questions and further details: tolivas@csusm.edu
*Due to the ever-changing landscape of the COVID-19 pandemic, this event may transition to fully online if needed.
Our Existence is our Resistance can be viewed on the Library’s website and in person at the Library’s 3rd floor exhibit space through Summer 2022.