Our Existence is our Resistance
“We acknowledge that we are on the traditional territory and homelands of the Luiseño/Payómkawichum people. It is also important to acknowledge that this land remains the shared space among the Kuupangaxwichem/Cupeño and Kumeyaay and Ipai peoples."
For more information please go to https://www.csusm.edu/cicsc/index.html
This exhibit is a tribute to the indefatigable cultural fortitude of southern California’s Native peoples. The first peoples of this land have endured multiple settler colonial endeavors since the eighteenth century to eradicate their existence, from virtual enslavement during the Spanish Mission system to state sponsored genocide following California statehood and US federal policies of Relocation and Termination. Bird Singers and Bird Dancers are cultural conduits who link the origins of the first peoples of this land to contemporary descendants who’s continued cultural transmission through song and dance is evidence that their existence is resistance. ~Dr. Eric Tippeconnic