Exhibit Events

Artists Reception
Reception: Thursday, March 14, 2024
Reception Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm
Speaker: Monica Zavala
Location: Kellogg 5400 Reading Room, 5th Floor
Join the CSUSM University Library in welcoming Monica Zavala for an in-person discussion where she will discuss her work and her inspirations for the collection 'Wee ‘Eyoohiinkem (Tongva), "All Our Relatives."
Monica Zavala, a proud member of the Gabrielino/Tongva Nation, Acjachemen, and Mexican heritage, draws profound inspiration from her diverse cultural background, infusing her artwork with the subjects of traditions. Her evocative collection of paintings intimately captures the hands of the American Indian people engaged in the cultural richness that expresses their kinship.
All Our Relatives can be viewed in person at the Library’s 3rd floor exhibit space through May 19, 2024
* Registration is required. RSVP at: https://bit.ly/Spring2024ContextEvent*
For any questions reach out to Irma Ramos Arreaga, CSUSM's Outreach Librarian at iramos@csusm.edu